Oxidative stress in asphyxiated term infants resuscitated with 100% oxygenCan asphyxiated infants at risk for neonatal seizures be rapidly identified by current high-risk markers?Hypothermia Reduces Neurological Damage in Asphyxiated Newborn InfantsDistribution of the circulation in the normal and asphyxiated fetal primateResuscitation of asphyxiated newborn infants with room air or oxygen: an international controlled trial: the Resair 2 study.Increased levels of malondialdehyde and nitrite/nitrate in the blood of asphyxiated newborns: reduction by melatonin.Cerebral energy metabolism studied with phosphorus NMR spectroscopy in normal and birth-asphyxiated infants.Physiologic responses to prolonged and slow-rise inflation in the resuscitation of the asphyxiated newborn infantResuscitation with room air instead of 100% oxygen prevents oxidative stress in moderately asphyxiated term neonatesThe pathogenesis of ischemic gastroenterocolitis of the neonate: selective gut mucosal ischemia in asphyxiated neonatal piglets.