Increased prevalence of obesity in narcoleptic patients and relativesHypocretin Deficiency in Narcoleptic Humans Is Associated with Abdominal ObesityHLA DQB1*0602 is associated with cataplexy in 509 narcoleptic patients.Hypocretin release in normal and narcoleptic dogs after food and sleep deprivation, eating, and movement.Increased frequency of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus among narcoleptic patientsDecreased brain histamine content in hypocretin/orexin receptor-2 mutated narcoleptic dogs.Hypocretin-2-saporin lesions of the lateral hypothalamus produce narcoleptic-like sleep behavior in the rat.Excessive daytime sleepiness in man: multiple sleep latency measurement in narcoleptic and control subjects.Identification and functional analysis of mutations in the hypocretin (orexin) genes of narcoleptic canines.A mutation in a case of early onset narcolepsy and a generalized absence of hypocretin peptides in human narcoleptic brains.