Materials: Creating the narrowest carbon nanotubesNarrowest-Over-Threshold Detection of Multiple Change-points and Change-point-like FeaturesConstructing narrowest pathwise bootstrap prediction bands using threshold acceptingThe narrowest M-dwarf line profiles and the rotation-activity connection at very slow rotationNarrowest (isthmus) portion of eustachian tube: a computer-aided three-dimensional reconstruction and measurement studyEstimated locations of the narrowest portion of the eustachian tube lumen during closed and open statesInterpolation that leads to the narrowest intervals and its application to expert systems and intelligent controlMethod for optically measuring a cant to locate the narrowest flat side and its boundaries and manufacturing lumber therefromProposal for a carbon fibre reinforced composite bridge across the Strait of Gibraltar at its narrowest siteFusion‐Optimized Intervals (FOI): A New Method to Achieve the Narrowest QRS for Optimization of the AV and VV Intervals in Patients...