The location of the nasion in the livingOrientation-sella-nasion or Frankfort horizontalThe nasion-sella reference line in cephalometry: a methodologic study.Changes in the relationship of nasion, point A, and point B and the effect upon ANB.Wplyw zaprawiania nasion niektorych gatunkow zboz na ich wartosc siewna w zaleznosci od okresu przechowywaniaAssociations between the postural orientation of sella-nasion and skeletodental morphology.Nasion true vertical: a proposed method for testing the clinical validity of cephalometric measurements applied to a new cephalometr...Implications for Nasal Recontouring: Nasion Position Preferences as Determined by a Survey of White North AmericansA Comparison Between the Frankfort Horizontal and the Sella Turcica -Nasion as Reference Planes in Cephalometric AnalysisGenome-wide association study of three-dimensional facial morphology identifies a variant in PAX3 associated with nasion position.