
  • abbr.

    noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant 去甲肾上腺素能和特异性5羟色胺能抗抑郁剂;

  • 学习怎么用


    The seasonal infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) with larval trematodes
    Cooperative mechanism in the homodimeric myoglobin from Nassa mutabilis
    Oxygen and carbon isotope profiles from Nassa mutabilis shells (Gastropoda): accretion rates and biological behaviour
    Energy metabolism in the foot of the marine gastropod Nassa mutabilis during environmental and functional anaerobiosis
    Resonance Raman Studies of the Heme Active Site of the Homodimeric Myoglobin from Nassa mutabilis: A Peculiar Case
    Amino-acid sequence of the cooperative dimeric myoglobin from the radular muscles of the marine gastropod Nassa mutabilis
    Cooperative, Low‐Molecular‐Weight Dimeric Myoglobins from the Radular Muscle of the Gastropod Mollusc Nassa mutabilis L
    Toxicity screening and identification of bacteria isolated from snails Nassarius semiplicatus and their habitat半褶织纹螺(Nassarius ...
    Alteration of the proximal bond energy in the unliganded form of the homodimeric myoglobin from Nassa mutabilis. Kinetic and spectro...
    Scavenging behaviour by Ergalatax contractus (Gastropoda: Muricidae) and interactions with Nassarius nodifer (Gastropoda: Nassariida...