  • abbr.

    no can do 办不到;noncommunicable diseases 非传播性疾病;nonresponsive celiac disease 非反应性乳糜泻病;neuronal cell death 神经元细胞死亡

  • 英英释义


    • NCD Is A Three-Letter Abbreviation Which May Mean:




    Two-dimensional tracking of ncd motility by back focal plane interferometry.
    Direction determination in the minus-end-directed kinesin motor ncd
    Structural and functional domains of the Drosophila ncd microtubule motor protein.
    Crystal structure of the motor domain of the kinesin-related motor ncd
    A model for the microtubule-Ncd motor protein complex obtained by cryo-electron microscopy and image analysis
    Three-dimensional cryoelectron microscopy of dimeric kinesin and ncd motor domains on microtubules.
    Urban rural differences in prevalence of self-reported diabetes in India--the WHO-ICMR Indian NCD risk factor surveillance.
    Urban rural differences in prevalence of self-reported diabetes in India鈥擳he WHO鈥揑CMR Indian NCD risk factor surveillance
    Obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic. Report of a WHO Consultation on Obesity, Geneva, 1997 (WHO/NUT/NCD/98.1)
    Direction of microtubule movement is an intrinsic property of the motor domains of kinesin heavy chain and Drosophila ncd protein.