Ignition process for fuel mixtures in a combustion engine, injects fuel into center of cylinder and nebulizes it under high pressureThe Laskin aerosol generatorA coupling system of capillary gel electrophoresis with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for the determination of double...Integrated sample preparation, separation and introduction microdevice for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryMorphological studies of bronchial mucosal biopsies from asthmatics before and after ten years of treatment with inhaled steroids.TRPA1 Agonists Evoke Coughing in Guinea Pig and Human VolunteersInhaled therapy in infants: why not nebulize glucocorticoids?Determination of germanium by atomic absorption spectrometry after solvent extraction—enhancement of sensitivity by a nebulizer eff...Shock tube study on auto-ignition characteristics of kerosene/air mixturesINTRAVENOZ VE NEBULIZE UYGULANAN SALBUTAMOLÜN KAN ELEKTROLİTLERİ, CPK VE EKG ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ