Assaultive behavior among chronic inpatients.
Assaultive behavior among psychiatric outpatients.
The risk of assaultive violence and alcohol availability in Los Angeles County.
Characteristics of assaultive patients who do and do not provide visible cues of potential violence.
Vulnerability to assaultive violence: further specification of the sex difference in post-traumatic stress disorder.
Words That Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assaultive Speech, and the First Amendment. by Mari J. Matsuda
Propranolol treatment of assaultive patients with organic brain disease. A double-blind crossover, placebo-controlled study.
Psychology's role in the public health response to assaultive violence among young African-American men.
Anger, hostility, and depression in domestically violent versus generally assaultive men and nonviolent control subjects.
Reactive and proactive aggression in school children and psychiatrically impaired chronically assaultive youth.