NeocenePaleodepth distribution of Neocene deep‐sea hiatusesAtlantic-Mediterranean water exchange during the Late NeoceneThe Neocene Magmatism in South Gangdese, Tibet and its tectonic significance: Evidences from Namuru Granitic ComplexThe vegetation and climate change during Neocene and Early Quaternary in Jiuxi Basin, ChinaProgress in the Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the NeoceneNeocene and Quaternary extent and geometry of the subducted Pacific Plate beneath North Island, New Zealand: Implications for Kaikou...First paleomagnetic results from Neocene Formations in Evia, Skyros and the Volos Region and the deformation of Central AegeaAn Analysis on Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary System of Early Neocene in Qikou SagLinear and nonlinear couplings between orbital forcing and the marine δ18O record during the Late Neocene