颠覆高考英语词汇 单词串串记,只需200串(通用语言)词汇表

颠覆高考英语词汇 单词串串记,只需200串(通用语言)词汇表
probable potential impossible possibility possibly possible fat swollen swell airspace space expand companion accompany in company with keep company with company brewery beer bun bread proud take pride in pride boom breast belly boss bless bleed blood August age big soap sofa soft be absorbed in absorb suck supper soup satisfactory satisfied satisfaction satisfy persuade sweet kiss sugar sour sausage saucer sauce salad soldier salary salty salt beach coast shallow offshore shore emergency commercial merchant sailor sailing sail ocean seashell seaweed seaside sea mushroom muddy mud sweater no sweat sweat winter wet microwave wave waste wash make water water confuse refusal refuse fountain poisonous pump pure pour spit whale spray spring irrigation irrigate rainy rain dip drop out drop dive duck duckling depth deeply deep adequate equality be equal to equal quit cleanly cleaner clean shower lavatory laundry pollution pollute lack of lack leak liquid stream arrival get to reach arrive river affect flu influence fluency fluent flood float lake flow species specific especially specially particular especial special aspect suspect honour respect inspect expectation expect spy waitress waiter await wait eyewitness witness witty wisdom wise stopwatch watch over watch out envious envy evident evidence supply afford give provide against provide television revision revise advice advise reviewer review preview interview in view of visa visitor drop in call on pay a visit to visit idea visual video floor storey story history bishop sceptical microscope telescope show around show up on show show eyesight sightseeing catch sight of out of sight at first sight keep an eye on eye foresee overlook read watch see look after look into look forward to look rhyme rhythm harmony warmhearted lose heart heart and soul heart according to according in concert with concert recorder break the record record insurance insure make sure sure security accuracy accurate