颠覆高考英语词汇 单词串串记,只需200串(通用语言)词汇表

颠覆高考英语词汇 单词串串记,只需200串(通用语言)词汇表
bent bend awkward backwards backward back up back and forth back scan sneaker snake giraffe ladder decline clinic weather climate climb tobacco bathtub ton tube channel canal can bottle porridge teapot pot kettle gallon juicy juice jar generous generally in general general greengrocer grocery grocer group shrink glue category altogether together squirrel jungle meeting meet badminton hometown downtown town team up with troop team queue corporation crew crowded crowd in crowd accelerate excellence excellent hillside hilly hill mineral miner mine number amount to amount mountainous mountain tip topic on top of top camel gather collect accumulate heap pile dam tomb calculation calculate discount accountant on no account account counter count on count jewelry jewel coral crayon chalk billion millionaire million mile smooth little small mustard meal sand seminar season sow seed vanilla grape egg rice popcorn corn gruel grain chocolate cocoa cafeteria cafe coffee pill pepper pea bean tomato fruit lemonade lemon watermelon melon pear peach potato pineapple apple symbol cheque bill ballet bowling bowl volleyball softball snowball basketball baseball ballon football ball seek out seek after seek research search for in search of search acre district zone area turn around around surroundings surrounding surround roundabout round cigarette cigar circumstance circus circuit semicircle recycle circulate polite politician political politics circle policy police hamburger burglar castle civilize civilian civilization civil citizenship citizen city vase cash chest cassette suitcase bookcase in that case in no case in any case case atmosphere pool pond province parking park boot dustbin bucket basin basket funeral burial bury postbox mailbox box e-mail airmail mail parcel pocket packet package pack up pack budget buy purse luggage baggage schoolbag handbag bag solid seldom single