- I was near the point of breakdown.
我已经到了精神崩溃的边缘了。 - She's still recovering from her breakdown.
Nervous breakdownNervous Breakdown.Nervous breakdownThe principles of nervous breakdown: SchizokinesisSlominski A.A nervous breakdown in the skin: stress and the epidermal barrier. J Clin Invest 117:3166-3169How everyone became depressed : the rise and fall of the nervous breakdownHow everyone became depressed : the rise and fall of the nervous breakdownPRINCIPLES OF NERVOUS BREAKDOWN—SCHIZOKINESIS AND AUTOKINESISThe diagnostic meaning of "nervous breakdown"among lay populationsNervous Breakdown in 20th-Century American CultureEdward Shorter. How Everyone Became Depressed: The Rise and Fall of the Nervous Breakdown. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. 27...Overspanning onderbouwd. Een onderzoek naar de diagnose surmenage in de huisartspraktijk [Nervous breakdown substantiated. A study o...The acute nervous breakdown.