NeurohormoneNeurohormoneNeurohormoneNeurohormone melatonin prevents cell damage: effect on gene expression for antioxidant enzymes.A genome-wide inventory of neurohormone GPCRs in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneumA review of neurohormone GPCRs present in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster and the honey bee Apis mellifera ☆Functional pleiotropy of the neurohormone melatonin: antioxidant protection and neuroendocrine regulationStructure of locust adipokinetic hormone, a neurohormone that regulates lipid utilisation during flightA new key neurohormone controlling reproduction, gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH): Biosynthesis, mode of action and functional...Brain Natriuretic Peptide in the Management of Heart Failure: The Versatile NeurohormoneThe significance of the metabolism of the neurohormone melatonin: antioxidative protection and formation of bioactive substances.Rhythmic gene expression in pituitary depends on heterologous sensitization by the neurohormone melatoninThe significance of the metabolism of the neurohormone melatonin: antioxidant protection and formation of bioactive substances. Neur...