- It is thought to have suggested the Assize of Novel Disseisin.
THE ASSIZE OF BREADTHE ASSIZE OF BREADTHE ASSIZE OF BREADLondon assize of nuisance, 1301-1431 : a calendarEarly‐modern assize records as historical evidenceThe Jury of Presentment and the Assize of ClarendonA History of English Assizes 1558–1714: The clerk of assize and his staffA History of English Assizes 1558–1714: Preamble to Serjeant Davis's assize charge, York assizes Lent 1620Baking for the common good: a reassessment of the assize of bread in Medieval EnglandOrality and authenticity in an interpreter-mediated defendant's examination: a Case study from the Belgian Assize Court.