- Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books.
他不但来迟了,还忘了把书带来。 - If this project fails it will affect not only our department, but also the whole organization.
Not Only / But Also
Not Only But Also
Not Only But Also
Predicting Anthracycline Benefit: TOP2A and CEP17-Not Only but Also
Not Only but Also: Reflections of Cognition and Ideology in Science Fiction and SF Criticism (Non seulement mais encore: Savoir et i...
Not only but also? Comments on "How does convulsive therapy work"?
"Not only, but also Nordic": the European Security and Defence Policy and its Implications for Alternative Frameworks of Nordic Coo...
Not Only Only but Also Also
Joyce Fardell: Not Only but Also...
Question Box 15. not only〜, but also... as wellについて
Educational Excellence: not only, but also
The house on Farish Street: not only but also, either and both
[Not-only-but-also is better than the alternative]