AstarteAstarteASTARTEThe mode of life and functional anatomy of Astarte spp.(Eulamellibranchia)Seasonal changes in biochemical composition of the bivalve Astarte montagui in the Clyde Sea AreaPatterns of growth and undetectable growth lines of Astarte sulcata (Bivalvia) in the Faroe-Shetland channelAn electron microscopic study of the formation and structure of the periostracum in Astarte (Bivalvia)Comparison of isoleucine epimerization and leaching potential in the molluskan genera Astarte, Macoma , and MyaHigh levels of shared allozyme polymorphism among strongly differentiated congeneric clams of the genus Astarte(Bivalvia: Mollusca)Hypoxia-induced autoxidation of haemoglobin in the benthic invertebrates Arenicola marina (Polychaeta) and Astarte borealis (Bival...