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Asterisking Ennius: The Annales of Quintus Ennius and the Indo-European Tradition1. The range of rewrites undertakensvytabs: A program for producing complex survey tablesIDENTIFICACION DE LAS FUNCIONALIDADES, POTENCIALIDADES Y REQUERIMIENTOS TECNICOS PARA LA IMPLEMENTACION DE ASTERISK.Medical services and goods exchangeReapproaching the Pagan Celtic Past – Anti-Nativism, Asterisk Reality and the Late-Antiquity ParadigmTELEFONNÍ ÚSTŘEDNY ASTERISKANALISIS DE REQUERIMIENTOS E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA PLATAFORMA ASTERISK UTILIZANDO ESTANDAR H.323/IAX2The Pricing of Audit Services: Theory and EvidenceMultiple, distinct forms of bovine and human protein kinase C suggest diversity in cellular signaling pathways