- One of the fishing boats sank down astern of us.
有一艘渔船在我们后面沉没了。 - A great battleship, forging silent and unlighted through the dark night, loom close astern.
The magnetic field astern of a ship
Roll of a ship in astern seas - metacentric height spectra
Roll of a ship in astern seas. Response to GM fluctuations
Manoeuvring behaviour of ships in extreme astern seas
Model Experiments of Ship Capsize in Astern Seas : Second Report :
Pan-African structures, ophiolites and melange in the astern Desert of Egypt: A traverse at 26 N
6 Modeling Extreme Roll Motions and Capsizing of a Moderate-Speed Ship in Astern Waves :
Geological and geophysical evidence for a holocene tsunami deposit in the astern Mediterranean deep-sea record
T Hinning and P Rescribed F Ire E Ffects on F Uels and P Otential F Ire B Ehavior in an E Astern C Ascades F Orest ,