- His speech was so astounding that the audience listened to him with bated breath.
他的讲话非常令人震惊,听众们都屏息而听。 - His skill level was simply astounding.
CNN Features Off-the-Shelf: An Astounding Baseline for Recognition
The Astounding Effectiveness of Dual Language Education for All
Phylogeny, taxonomy, and astounding genetic diversity of Glissomonadida ord. nov., the dominant gliding zooflagellates in soil (Prot...
Phased-array and radar astounding breakthroughs — an update
Phased-array radars: Past, astounding breakthroughs and future trends
Levantine Intermediate Water characteristics: an astounding general misunderstanding! (addendum)
Why were the results of the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) trial so astounding?
Invasion of plants into native communities using the underground information superhighway.
Use of genomics in toxicology and epidemiology: findings and recommendations of a workshop.
Private reserves, parks and ecotourism in Costa Rica.