- Don't obtrude your opinions on others.
不要把你的观点强加给别人。 - I'm sorry to obtrude on you at such a time.
Explaining Away Same-Sex Sexualities: When They Obtrude on Anthropologists' Notice at All
Geraet zum hervorschieben eines elektrodentraegers in einem stosswellenerzeuger. Geraet to obtrude a elektrodentraegers in a shock-...
A Dispute against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded on the Church of Scotland. by George Gillespie; C. Coldwell
George Gillespie: A Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded on the Church of Scotland. Edited by ColdwellChristopher...
The Symbolic Meaning of the Obtruded Ear Decoration Bronze Fu Cauldron
A dispute against the English popish ceremonies obtruded on the Church of Scotland. By GillespieGeorge. (Edited by C. Coldwell and i...
Surfaces, holes, shadows
A distinct Na+-requiring transport system for alanine, serine, cysteine, and similar amino acids
Psychiatric Morbidity and Referral on Two General Medical Wards
Dependence of cardiac mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase activity on intramitochondrial free Ca2+ concentration.