Effect of Heat (Oestrum) on Butterfat Percentage and Milk Yield
Prolonged oestrum and its occurrence among repeat breeding cattle of Kerala
Messungen am Endometrium des Rindes im Oestrum und späten Postoestrum
Artificial induction of ovulation and oestrum in the ewe during anoestrum
Messungen am Uterus des nulliparen Schweines im Oestrum und späten Postoestrum
Use of bromocriptin for improving oestrum of sows - involves single dose pref. of 1 mm injected
Messungen am Uterus des nulliparen Schweines im Oestrum und späten Postoestrum : (Mit 3 Abb.).
The "sexual season"of mammals and the relation of the "pro-oestrum"to menstruation
Study on FSHR and LHR mRNA levels of different BMPRIB genotypes of small tail han sheep during the oestrum
The Significance of Radiology in the Diagnosis of Pyometra (Endometritis Post Oestrum) in Dogs: An Evaluation of the Correlation bet...