- The Gadfly's endurance was failing him at last.
牛虻的忍受力也终于不能维持了。 - The Gadfly insisted that the work should be finished by the middle of June.
Number theory as gadfly
The Gadfly: An Approach to Architectural-Level System Comprehension
Origins, phytogeny and taxonomy of the gadfly petrels Pterodroma spp
Food of three sympatric gadfly petrels (Pterodroma spp.) breeding on the Pitcairn Islands
The evolution of north-east Atlantic gadfly petrels using statistical phylogeography
Notes on the At-Sea Identification of Some Pacific Gadfly Petrels (Genus: Pterodroma)
The breeding biology of the gadfly petrels Pterodroma spp. of the Pitcairn Islands: characteristics, population sizes and controls
… gadfly petrels Pterodroma spp. from the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean: molecular evidence for specific status of Bugio and Cape Ver...
Phylogenetic relationships of gadfly petrels Pterodroma spp. from the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean: molecular evidence for specific s...
Breeding habitat and conservation priorities in Pterodroma baraui, an endangered gadfly petrel of the Mascarene archipelago