- Her novel was just a one-off -- she never wrote anything as good as that again.
Effects of cold water immersion on the recovery of physical performance and muscle damage following a one-off soccer match.
In praise of forgiveness: Ways for repairing trust breakdowns in one-off online interactions
Genotyping and drug resistance profile of Candida spp. in recurrent and one-off vaginitis, and high association of non-albicans spec...
In praise of forgiveness: Ways for repairing trust breakdowns in one-off online interactions
One-off writing of multimicrogratings on glass by two interfered femtosecond laser pulses
Accounting for One-Off Operations When Assessing Underlying Fiscal Positions
In praise of forgiveness: ways to repair trust breakdowns in one-off interactions
Mining Frequent Patterns with Gaps and One-Off Condition
Investigation on the Replacing time of One-off Uric Bag
Mining Frequent Patterns with Gaps and One-Off Condition