Overspill avalanching in a dense reservoir network.
Overspill of catheter locking solution: safety and efficacy aspects
Overspill routing in optical networks: a true hybrid optical network design
Overspill routing in optical networks: a new architecture for future-proof IP-over-WDM networks
Analysis of the Overspill Effect of FDI Attracted by the Chinese Service Industry
ORION: a novel hybrid network concept: overspill routing in optical networks
A broad view on overspill routing in optical networks: a real synthesis of packet and circuit switching?
Widespread overspill from a saline density-current channel and its interaction with topography on the south-west Black Sea shelf
Turbidity-current overspill from the Amazon Channel: texture of the silt/sand load, paleoflow from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibi...
Systemic inflammation and comorbidity in COPD: a result of 'overspill' of inflammatory mediators from the lungs? Review of the evide...