The Labial Palp in Collembola
PALP: A Package for Analysing Lattice Polytopes with applications to toric geometry ☆
Odor coding in the maxillary palp of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae.
Palpal loss, single palp copulation and obligatory mate consumption in Tidarren cuneolatum (Tullgren, 1910) (Araneae, Theridiidae).
Odor coding in a model olfactory organ: the Drosophila maxillary palp.
Scanning electron microscopy of the pit of the maxillary palp of selected species of Culicoides
Electrophysiological responses of receptor neurons in mosquito maxillary palp sensilla to carbon dioxide.
The first proline of PALP motif at the C terminus of presenilins is obligatory for stabilization, complex formation, and gamma-secre...
The First Proline of PALP Motif at the C Terminus of Presenilins Is Obligatory for Stabilization, Complex Formation, and 纬-Secretas...
Fine structure and primary sensory projections of sensilla on the maxillary palp of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera : Droso...