Radiopaque laparatomy sponge
Dorsal subthalatomy for Parkinson's disease
An Atomy of the Novel: Finn O'Brien's 'At Swim-Two-Birds.'
Clinical results with nonthoratomy ICD systems
Regulation in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in Sacchatomyces cerevisiae
The effect of ether and laparatomy on serum prolactin levels in progesterone-treated intact and ovariectomized rats
Is laparatomy the first step in treatment of childhood liver tumors?--The experience from the German Cooperative Pediatric Liver Tum...
Is 30 minutes the golden period to perform emergency room thoratomy (ERT) in penetrating chest injuries?
Hysterosalpingography versus laparoscopy in tubal infertility: comparison based on findings at laparatomy.
Capillary flow and capillary transport in dog skeletal muscle in an experimental shock model (laparatomy and exteriorisation of the ...