Pandect on Digital Human Body-Human Body Digital Science
Research of the Teaching Reform of Pandect on Crop Science
Iustiniani Augusti Digesta seu Pandectae. Testo e traduzione (libri 1-4)
The Histochemistry and Cell Biology pandect: the year 2014 in review.
The Bibliography of Music in Conrad Gesner's Pandectae (1548)
Pandect for the calculating methods of the critical depth of opening channel in different typical cross sections
Act and Juristic Act in Pandecten Legal Science: Overture to the Formulation of the General Principles of Civil Code
Exploration on enhancing teaching quality of experiment in surgery pandect
El nasciturus como sujeto del derecho. Concepto constitucional de persona frente al concepto pandectista-civilista
Strategies and Measures on Boosting Agricultural Industrialization Depending on Science and Technology InnovationⅠ.Pandect