- There is no room for parochialism or protectionism in our model of the future.
在未来我们的模式中,没有狭隘和保护主义。 - Mr Cameron himself casts his views on Europe as a function of his liberalism, rather than as a symptom of little-Englander parochialism.
Persistent parochialism: Trust and exclusion in ethnic networks.
In Praise of Parochialism: The Advent of Local Environmental Law
Parochialism in the Evolution of a Research Community: The Case of Organization Studies
The New Parochialism: The Implications of the Beltway Case for Arguments Concerning Informal Social Control
A discipline divided: Globalization and parochialism in information systems research
The Virtues and Shortcomings of Parochialism: Conserving Species That Are Locally Rare, but Globally Common
The development of egalitarianism, altruism, spite and parochialism in childhood and adolescence
Global protected area expansion is compromised by projected land-use and parochialism
“International” human resource management: Academic parochialism in editorial boards of the “top” 22 journals on international h...
Collective action in culturally similar and dissimilar groups: an experiment on parochialism, conditional cooperation, and their lin...