Pelmet Body KitA MODULAR PELMETAdaptable pelmetVAT Rates: PELMET - SUPPLY and INSTALL (Private dwellings/Non-residential immovable goods)Study of the influence of a pelmet type wind deflector on indoor air motionBaize of Glory; CUE TIPS: A BRIGHT NEW PELMET CAN TRANSFORM ANY BEDROOM'S OUTLOOKLED (Light Emitting Diode) Pelmet/ Canopy Lighting System For Shelf and Racking Applications in a Retail EnvironmentA SLIDING DEVICE FOR CLOTH STRIPES WITH BOWS, FOR HANGING UP PELMET CURTAINS AND SIMILARThere Are Worse Things Than a Pelmet Skirt Thinking about It Now, I Realise My Convent School Uniform Was a Paedop Hile's DreamHome Sweet Home: Caroline Murphy on How the Swag and Pelmet Style of Victorian Living Predates Our Obsession with Home Decorating