- He had done penance for his sins, we should forgive him.
他已经为赎罪自我惩罚了,我们应该原谅他。 - She regards living in New York as a penance; she hates big cities.
她把住在纽约视为一件苦事,她讨厌大都市。 - There is no absolution without penance.
没有忏悔就谈不上宽恕。 - She knelt at her mother's feet in penance.
她忏悔地跪在母亲脚下。 - Yeah. I'm doing penance for forgetting her birthday last week.
Penance in the Parish. [with Reply]
Penance in Medieval Europe 600–1200
Penance, Punishment and the Limits of Community
Penance and the Making of the Inquisition in Languedoc
'Take this penance now, and afterwards the fare will improve': seafood and late medieval diet
Monks Who Have Sex: "Pārājika"Penance in Indian Buddhist Monasticisms
The Humiliation of Sinners: Public Penance in Thirteenth-Century France
The politics of remorse: penance and royal piety in the reign of Æthelred the Unready
When Talk Is Not Cheap: Substantive Penance and Expressions of Intent in Rebuilding Cooperation
Vatican Orders Scottish Cardinal out of Country; Rare Public Sanction Forces Months of 'Prayer and Penance.'; RELIGION