用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- pending case悬而未决的案件
- pending danger即将发生的危险
- The lawsuit was then pending.
那件讼案因而尚未解决。 - A climax is pending.
高潮即将来到。 - A decision on this matter is pending.
- Series The command has been accepted, but the requested action is on hold, pending receipt of further information.
命令被接受,但是被要求的行动被保留,直到收到索取补充材料。 - Pending his return, let us get everything ready.
让我们在他回来之前把一切准备就绪。 - Two tax officials were suspended from their post pending investigation into charges of corruption.
那两个锐收官被指控腐败,调查期间被暂停职。 - Pending examination or reconsideration of a jurisdictional challenge, the enforcement shall continue.
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