- It is making it ever harder to solve problems that require cross-party collaboration such as reforming America's health-care system or its pensions.
这不仅是毒害美国政治生活,还使问题变得更加难以应付,例如美国医疗保健制度的改革或退休金制度的改革,这些都需要通党合作。 - She produced a scathing report and said that because the government had said that pensions were protected by law, everybody should get the pension that they were entitled to.
Why a Funded Pension System is Useful and Why It is Not Useful
Why a Funded Pension System is Needed and Why It is Not Needed
The German Public Pension System: How it Was, How it Will Be
The pay-as-you-go pension system as fertility insurance and an enforcement device
Reforming our pension system: Is it a demographic, financial or political problem? ☆
Pareto-efficiency of the Pay-as-you-go Pension System with Intragenerational Fairness
Economic Effects of the Institutional Change of China's Pension System
Transition from a pay-as-you-go to a fully funded pension system: The case of differing individuals and intragenerational fairness
The Value of Children and Immigrants in a Pay-as-You-Go Pension System: A Proposal for a Partial Transition to a Funded System
Mexico; Financial Sector Assessment Program Update: Technical Note: Industrial Organization and Competition: Pension System in Mexico