- Anatomically, the nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
Insulin therapy protects the central and peripheral nervous system of intensive care patients.Laminin overrides the inhibitory effects of peripheral nervous system and central nervous system myelin-derived inhibitors of neurit...Axonal elongation into peripheral nervous system bridges after central nervous system injury in adult rat. Science., 241: 931-933Axonal elongation into peripheral nervous system "bridges"after central nervous system injury in adult ratsLack of neurotrophin-3 leads to deficiencies in the peripheral nervous system and loss of limb proprioceptive afferentsKrox-20 controls myelination in the peripheral nervous system.Localization and molecular heterogeneity of cholecystokinin in the central and peripheral nervous system.A critical review of interfaces with the peripheral nervous system for the control of neuroprostheses and hybrid bionic systemsatonal is a proneural gene that directs chordotonal organ formation in the Drosophila peripheral nervous systemBace1 modulates myelination in the central and peripheral nervous system