- Only an insane person could perpetrate such a horrible crime.
只有疯子才犯这种令人发指的罪行。 - At other times, one may not be able to perpetrate a physical attack without facing certain discovery and prosecution.
Characteristics of men who perpetrate intimate partner violence.
College Men's Perceived Likelihood to Perpetrate Sexual Aggression
Responding to men who perpetrate domestic violence : controversies, interventions and challenges
Women who perpetrate intimate partner violence: A review of the literature with recommendations for treatment
Are Immigrants More Likely Than Native-Born Americans to Perpetrate Intimate Partner Violence?
Programs for Men who Perpetrate Domestic Violence: An Examination of the Issues Underlying the Effectiveness of Intervention Programs
Fathers for Change: A New Approach to Working with Fathers Who Perpetrate Intimate Partner Violence
Lactate-induced rage and panic in a select group of subjects who perpetrate acts of domestic violence.
Authority as coercion:when authority figures abuse their positions to perpetrate child sexual abuse.
Relative Importance of Emotional Dysregulation, Hostility, and Impulsiveness in Predicting Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrated by ...