- A acute persecutor has been executed with salutes of flutes, and refutation of an absolute mute.
个为害极大的迫害者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的驳斥声中被处决了。 - Strengthened by the power of his love, he overcame the raging cruelty of Saul and won his persecutor on earth as his companion in heaven.
Persecutory delusions and attributional style
A cognitive model of persecutory delusions
Suspicious minds: The psychology of persecutory delusions.
Cognitive neuropsychiatric models of persecutory delusions.
Comments on the content of persecutory delusions: does the definition need clarification?
Freeman D (2007) Suspicious minds: The psychology of persecutory delusions
Cognitive biases and abnormal beliefs: Towards a model of persecutory delusions
Persecutory beliefs, attributions and theory of mind: comparison of patients with paranoid delusions, Asperger's syndrome and health...
Perception of threat in schizophrenics with persecutory delusions: an investigation using visual scan paths.
The self, attributional processes and abnormal beliefs: towards a model of persecutory delusions.