- Night after it left the poor bud, as a petite woman, but Moon.
一夜过后,它只剩下可怜的花苞,像一位娇小的女子,却又含苞待放。 - For a petite frame avoid weather treatments, look for pin-tucking and a slim cut.
Mitochondrial DNA deficient petite mutants of yeast
Mechanisms of Azole Resistance in Petite Mutants of Candida glabrata
Induction of petite mutation and inhibition of synthesis of respiratory enzymes in various yeasts
Petite mutation in yeast. II. Isolation of mutants containing mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid of reduced size.
Physical and genetic organization of petite and grande yeast mitochondrial DNA
The 'petite-negative' yeast Kluyveromyces lactis has a single gene expressing pyruvate decarboxylase activity.
Traduire : théorèmes pour la traduction, Petite Bibliothèque payot, n° 366
The petite mutation in yeast. Loss of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid during induction of petites with ethidium bromide
Induction of the cytoplasmic 'petite' mutation by chemical and physical agents in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Mitochondrial DNA from yeast "petite"mutants: specific changes in buoyant density corresponding to different cytoplasmic mutations.