- The drum also contains the photoconductor supply and takeup spools.
鼓还包括光电导体电源和提升卷轴。 - The drum continuously rotates during printing and carries the photoconductor part the various stations in the printing process.
Photoconductor gain mechanisms in GaN ultraviolet detectors
Advances in Organic Photoconductor Technology
Fullerene-doped polysilane photoconductor
An aggregate organic photoconductor. II. Photoconduction properties
Strain-biased ferroelectric-photoconductor image storage and display devices
A synergistic assembly of nanoscale lamellar photoconductor hybrids.
High-gain graphene-titanium oxide photoconductor made from inkjet printable ionic solution
High-intensity terahertz radiation from a microstructured large-area photoconductor
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