Distribution of the auricled twayblade orchid (Listera auriculata) in Canada and description of new stations in southern Ontario
Effect of monodominant long-auricled indocalamus(Indocalamus longiauritus) thickets on tree regeneration during reestablishment of n...
[Application of auricle posterior flap with two subcutaneous pedicles on mastoidea for repairing of big defect of auricled]
[Tissue-engineered auricled cartilage: an experimental study]
auricled twayblade (Listera auriculata) orchid in Algonquin Park, Ontario
Listera auriculata Wieg. Auricled Twayblade
Listera auriculata (Auricled Twayblade) Conservation Plan
Effects of Different Cultivation Techniques on Yield and Total Glycoside Content of Auricledleaf Swallowwort
Morphology of Sassafras in Relation to Phylogeny of Angiosperms