- Some businessmen wear pinstripe suits.
有些商人身穿细条纹西装。 - Without a pinstripe, you'd be underdressed.
不穿条纹西服,那你就穿得太随便了。 - You always liked me in a pinstripe, didn't you?
Creating Efficiency and Benchmarks in the Recruitment Process
Healthcare Thought Leaders Share Their Experiences and Advice on What to Look For In a Recruitment Partner
Cross-Reference Guide
Pinstripe:eyes-free continuous input on interactive clothing
Pinstripe: eyes-free continuous input on interactive clothing.
Pinstripe: a suite of programs for integrating transcriptomic and proteomic datasets identifies novel proteins and improves differen...
New Endoscopic Indicator of Esophageal Achalasia: “Pinstripe Pattern”
Pinstripe painting guide and method of use
Pinstripe gurus: the new prophets of profit
Pinstripe painting device