tree planting n. 植树
planting area造林地;种植范围,造林面积
planting density种植密度;栽植密度
planting design种植设计;植栽设计
close planting密植
planting season种植季节;种植期
- I'm quite familiar with the planting.
我对种植很熟悉。 - Planting of soybeans usually begins in early May.
大豆的种植通常开始于五月。 - The apple industry moves toward the intensive planting system.
苹果生产逐渐向集约化栽培体系发展。 - At about 11:00am, seeing the consuls come to the consular planting trees area where we stood, I was very excited!
在大约11点半左右,我见到领事们缓缓地向我们这边的领事植树林走来,别提心里有多高兴了! - The landscape architect suggested a small planting in the northwest corner.
Planting green roofs and living walls
Ion planting while growing a III-nitride layer
Influence of planting date on growth of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri).
Effect of planting patterns on intra-row cultivation competition between corn and late emerging weeds
Optimal crop planting schedules and financial hedging strategies under ENSO-based climate forecasts
Effect of planting patterns and inter-row cultivation on competition between corn (Zea mays) and late emerging weeds.
Planting Transgenic Insecticidal Corn Based on Economic Thresholds: Consequences for Integrated Pest Management and Insect Resistanc...
Effect of Planting Date, Residual Herbicide, and Postemergence Application Timing on Weed Control and Grain Yield in Glyphosate-Tole...
Integration of Plant Resistance, Insecticides, and Planting Date for Management of the Hessian Fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Winte...
Physiological processes in plantation establishment and the development of specifications for forest planting stock