- These poems are by no means purely autobiographical.
这些诗篇决不纯粹是自传性质的。 - This massive autobiographical work was the logical culmination of her long career.
Autobiographical memory specificity and emotional disorder
The construction of autobiographical memories in the self-memory system.
Answering autobiographical questions: the impact of memory and inference on surveys
The emergence of autobiographical memory: a social cultural developmental theory.
The functional neuroanatomy of autobiographical memory: A meta-analysis
The Psychological and Social Origins of Autobiographical Memory
On the relationship between autobiographical memory and perceptual learning.
Phenomenal characteristics of memories for perceived and imagined autobiographical events.
Cerebral Representation of One’s Own Past: Neural Networks Involved in Autobiographical Memory
The Common Neural Basis of Autobiographical Memory, Prospection, Navigation, Theory of Mind, and the Default Mode: A Quantitative Me...