The impact of smoking and pre-existing illness on the relationship between body-mass index and mortality.
Pre-existing fractures and bone mass predict vertebral fracture incidence in women.
Observer: an approach for query processing in global information systems based on interoperation across pre-existing ontologies
Hyperacute rejection of kidney allografts, associated with pre-existing humoral antibodies against donor cells
Hexon-chimaeric adenovirus serotype 5 vectors circumvent pre-existing anti-vector immunity
Pre-existing immunity against swine-origin H1N1 influenza viruses in the general human population
Acquisition of Murine NK Cell Cytotoxicity Requires the Translation of a Pre-existing Pool of Granzyme B and Perforin mRNAs
Relationship between pre-existing viral reservoirs and the re-emergence of plasma viremia after discontinuation of highly active ant...
A Hypothesis: Radiation-Related Leukemia is Mainly Attributable to the Small Number of People who Carry Pre-existing Clonally Expand...
Immunogenicity of recombinant adenovirus serotype 35 vaccine in the presence of pre-existing anti-Ad5 immunity.