- I just turn the piece of wire in the lock and hey presto, the door open.
Presto: an experimental architecture for fluid interactive document spaces
Results of Prevention of REStenosis with Tranilast and its Outcomes (PRESTO) trial
PRESTO: A system for object‐oriented parallel programming
Presto: An Experimental Architecture for Fluid Interactive Document Spaces
PRESTO-SENSE: an ultrafast whole-brain fMRI technique.
Acute coronary syndrome may occur with in-stent restenosis and is associated with adverse outcomes (the PRESTO trial).
A. functional MRI technique combining principles of echo‐shifting with a train of observations (PRESTO)
Presto( pr otein e ngineering s imula to r): A vectorized molecular mechanics program for biopolymers
Audit stratégique : Etude de la distribution d'un produit Presto 100 IEM & TAXOMEX
Image Coding based on Mixture Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients and a Fast Estimation-Quantization Framework