propelling machinery动力装置,推进装置
- Something, such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel, that propels or provides thrust.
发射药,火箭燃料推进或提供爆炸的物体,比如爆炸炸药或火箭燃料 - The process of driving or propelling.
A method for stably transforming plant tissue with nucleotide sequences by propelling the nucleotide sequence at the tissue at a vel...
The aer-o-scope: proof of concept of a pneumatic, skill-independent, self-propelling, self-navigating colonoscope.
The Action of Waving Cylindrical Tails in Propelling Microscopic Organisms
Remotely powered self-propelling particles and micropumps based on miniature diodes
Propelling efficiency of front-crawl swimming.
Differences in propelling efficiency between competitive and triathlon swimmers
The propelling effect of the development trend of open pit mining equipment on Mining Technology
In pursuit of propulsion at the nanoscale
Delayed Frost Growth on Jumping-Drop Superhydrophobic Surfaces
Bacterial ratchet motors [Physics]