Bonding protuberant particles; sintering
Natural history of small colorectal protuberant adenomas
Protuberant fibro-osseous lesions of the temporal bone: a unique clinicopathologic diagnosis.
One-dimensional protuberant optically active ZnO structure fabricated by oxidizing ZnS nanowires
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: an early non-protuberant phase of the tumour.
Natural nanofluid-based cooling of a protuberant heat source in a partially-cooled enclosure ☆
Intramural injection of ethanol under direct vision for the treatment of protuberant lesions of the stomach.
Clinical analysis of 34 cases of endoscopic miniprobe ultrasonography with protuberant lesions in upper gastrointestinal tract
Sol–gel synthesis and characterization of silica film with two opposite structures: Nano-porous and protuberant
A terminal deletion (14)(q31.1) in a child with microcephaly, narrow palate, gingival hypertrophy, protuberant ears, and mild mental...