Pseudostratified EpitheliumRespiratory epithelium lined cysts presenting in theSummaryThe cell cycle of the pseudostratified ventricular epithelium of the embryonic murine cerebral wall.Hex homeobox gene controls the transition of the endoderm to a pseudostratified, cell emergent epithelium for liver bud developmentTransepithelial projections from basal cells are luminal sensors in pseudostratified epithelia.Interkinetic Nuclear Migration Is a Broadly Conserved Feature of Cell Division in Pseudostratified EpitheliaThe idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis honeycomb cyst contains a mucocilary pseudostratified epithelium.Mechanisms controlling arrangements and movements of nuclei in pseudostratified epitheliaStereological analysis of nasal mucosa. III. Stepwise alterations in cellular and subcellular components of pseudostratified, metapl...