A single transducer transaxial compression technique for the estimation of sound speed in biological tissues
A Theory of Post-Stall Transients in Axial Compression Systems: Part I—Development of Equations
A Theory of Post-Stall Transients in Axial Compression Systems: Part II—Application
Theory of post-stall transients in axial compression sys-tems, part i-development of eq uations. Part ii-Applications
A study of spike and modal stall phenomena in a low-speed axial compressor
Quasi-static axial compression of thin-walled circular aluminium tubes
T-shaped reinforced concrete members under biaxial bending and axial compression
Surface strain distribution on thoracic and lumbar vertebrae under axial compression - The role in burst fractures
Small-scale effects on buckling of multiwalled carbon nanotubes under axial compression
A New Theory for the Buckling of Thin Cylinders under Axial Compression and Bending