Growth of axile and lateral roots of maize: I development of a phenotying platform
Mapping of QTLs for lateral and axile root growth of tropical maize
Physiol-Morphological Analysis on Axile Root Growth in Upland Rice
Three-dimensional architecture of axile roots of field-grown maize
Cortical Sclerenchyma Development in Axile Roots of Cereal Crops.
Mapping of QTLs for lateral and axile root growth of tropical corn. Theor Appl Genet
QTLs for the elongation of axile and lateral roots of maize in response to low water potential
Growth of axile and lateral roots of maize: response to desiccation stress induced by polyethylene glycol 8000.
Length of the apical unbranched zone of maize axile roots: Its relationship to root elongation rate
Geological Characteristics and Ore Prospecting of the Axile Gold Deposit in Habahe County,Xinjiang Province