Actin-dependent organelle movement in squid axoplasm
Fast axonal transport in extruded axoplasm from squid giant axon.
Single microtubules from squid axoplasm support bidirectional movement of organelles
Calcium-induced degeneration of axoplasm in isolated segments of rat peripheral nerve
Attachment of transported vesicles to microtubules in axoplasm is facilitated by AMP-PNP
Movement of organelles along filaments dissociated from the axoplasm of the squid giant axon.
P13suc1 associates with a cdc2-like kinase in a multimeric cytoskeletal complex in squid axoplasm.
Cross-bridges mediate anterograde and retrograde vesicle transport along microtubules in squid axoplasm.
A Monoclonal Antibody Against Kinesin Inhibits Both Anterograde and Retrograde Fast Axonal Transport in Squid Axoplasm
Gliding movement of and bidirectional transport along single native microtubules from squid axoplasm: evidence for an active role of...