- John tried to help the putt fall by using body English.
约翰尽量把身体扭向洞口方向以期高尔夫球能落进洞内。 - That looks like a difficult putt.
Instability and Nonexistence of Global Solutions to Nonlinear Wave Equations of the Form Putt= -Au + F(u)
Electroencephalographic measures of attentional patterns prior to the golf putt
Instability and Nonexistene of Global Solutions of Nonlinear Wave Equation of the Form Putt = Au + F(u)
"Electroencephalographic measures of attentional patterns prior to the golf putt": Comment.
User interface for a golf green and a golf putt modelling system
Pitch & putt addition
S. Gorley Putt, Arthur Mizener: Literary Critic With a Political Conscience 1935–85 (Christ's College, ...
An experimentally determined carbon : volume ratio for marine “oligotrichous” ciliates from estuarine and coastal waters
MR imaging screening of the contralateral breast in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer: preliminary results.
Biomechanical testing of posterior atlantoaxial fixation techniques